Sabtu, 24 Juni 2023

[Sort Weekly Report] Week 24 2023, 12 Juni 2023 - 18 Juni 2023

Sort Lead Time:
Lead Time Arrival to Inbound
  • Top Offender decreased on MAC, BPN, PNK lead time POH/IH to Inbound is below target in 3 weeks in a row.
Lead Time Inbound to Shipment Close
  • Top offender decreased on  SUB, BPN, PNK lead time Inbound to Shipment Close is below target for 3 weeks in a row.
Lead Time Shipment Close to Into Van (MAC already uses LH & AF population, the rest of MSH only uses LH population)
  • Top offender & below target TGR, BWX, BEJ, PNK Lead time Shipment Close to Into Van is below target in 3 weeks in a row.
Lead Time Arrival to Shipment Close - Prior
  • Top offender decreased on BDO, PWT, SUB, BWX, UPG, PNK lead time POH/IH to Shipment Close Prior is below target in 3 weeks in a row.
Lead Time Arrival to Shipment Close - RTS
  • Top offender decreased on MAC, CKP, SUB, UPG, BPN, SMD lead time POH/IH to Shipment Close RTS is below target in 3 weeks in a row.
Sort Cost (CPP) & Productivity
  • BDO, KNO, Sulawesi: Except GTO, PLW, ALL Maluku, Kalimantan: Except BPN, PNK, Papua: MKQ, TIM CPP didn't reach the target in 3 weeks in a row.
  • Top offender decreased and below target MAC, STR, TGR, BDO, SOC, PKL, JUK, BWX
Missort  (On proses check logic BI)
  • -
DWS Dimmed Rate
  • Dimmed rate performance All ID decreased by 0.23% in week 23 2023 and decreased by 0.57 % in week 24 2023.
Raditya Surya

Lead Time Arrival to Inbound W24
Lead Time Arrival to Inbound W24

Lead Time Inbound To Shipment Close W24
Lead Time Inbound To Shipment Close W24

Lead Time Shipment Close To Into Van W24
Lead Time Shipment Close To Into Van W24

Lead Time Arrival to Shipment Close - Prior W24
Lead Time Arrival to Shipment Close - Prior W24

Lead Time Arrival to Shipment Close - RTS W24
Lead Time Arrival to Shipment Close - RTS W24

Lead Time Shipment Close To Into Van - Prior W24
Lead Time Shipment Close To Into Van - Prior W24

Lead Time Shipment Close To Into Van - RTS W24
Lead Time Shipment Close To Into Van - RTS W24

Lost & Damage Rate W24
Lost & Damage Rate W24

Sort CPP W24
Sort CPP W24

Sort Productivity W24
Sort Productivity W24

DWS Dimmed Rate W24
DWS Dimmed Rate W24

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